It's been more than a year since my last blog post. Not that you would know since I deleted all of the old ones. They were the whiniest most pathetic and drama filled entries since my high school LJ. Seriously.
So this is a new beginning for this blog. I'm following in the foot steps of a friend who is doing a 50 day challenge for her blog. Here are the requirements for each day:
DAY 1: Introduce yourself
DAY 2: Make a bulleted list of everything that happened in your day
DAY 3: Your favorite movie
DAY 4: A photo of you taken over ten years ago
DAY 5: A letter to your Crush
DAY 6: List of what you ate today
DAY 7: A YouTube video you find funny
Day 8: A photo of you taken recently
Day 9: List some of your favorite Tumblrs (Bloggers?)
Day 10: A letter to the person you hate most or caused you a lot of pain
Day 11: Share your favorite recipe
Day 12: We want to see your teeth today / Post a self-portrait
Day 13: Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 14: A song from your childhood
Day 15: A letter to someone you wish you could meet
Day 16: Provide pictures of 5 celebrity crushes
Day 17: A photo that makes you sad
Day 18: Set or share a goal
Day 19: Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 20: A letter to Someone that changed your life
Day 21: Your favorite television program
Day 22: A photo that makes you happy
Day 23 Share one of your current favorite tunes
Day 24 Time to face morph /
Day 25: A letter to someone you judged by their first impression
Day 26: Favorite books
Day 27: A talent of yours
Day 28: Favorite Places to shop
Day 29: Provide the HEX code of your favorite color /
Day 30: A letter to the friendliest person you knew for only one day
Day 31: Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 32: A photo you took
Day 33: What you’re craving right now
Day 34: Your favorite quote
Day 35: A letter to an ex
Day 36: Some hobbies of yours
Day 37: A song that you like to dance to
Day 38: A photo of your parent(s)
Day 39: Zodiac sign and do you think it fits your personality
Day 40: A letter to a deceased person you wish you could talk to
Day 41: Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 42: Bad habit(s) you have
Day 43: A picture of your favorite place in the world
Day 44: Something that fascinates you and why
Day 45: A letter to yourself a year ago
Day 46: Photos of personal things in your life (pets, family, house, etc)
Day 47: Birthday wish list
Day 48: A photo of you right now
Day 49: Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 50: A letter to your reflection in the mirror.
I think it would be a very interesting way of getting to know people if you read all 50 of their posts. I'm doing this for me, and if you read and comment that's very exciting but I don't expect anyone to actually still read this blog.
Day one will be this coming Friday, prepare yourselves! :)