
I'm like a bird, except that I'm a butterfly.

I've been busy these last few days with being employed. thankfully (or not, depending on how you look at it) i am unemployed once more. Everyone has left for the weekend with the exception of myself, so I figured that it was time to play with my make up case. I shouldn't have had a large glass of wine before attempting this, as all of my creative thoughts were replaced with "i like this color, and now i like this color" which lead to me deciding my face would be a butterfly. Hardly creative, but still kind of fun to do. The other fun part will be getting all of this off my face.

The whole point of my doing this is because I was supposed to post a "picture of you right now" but didn't want it to be boring. So instead you get me in my pajamas with poorly done butterfly makeup. I hope you feel special that I'm sharing this with you and the rest of the internet. I avoided duckface, too. I hope you're proud <3

I know, it's pretty bad. I started playing with my makeup case and about a minute in I didn't want to keep going. But I told myself that I should at least make it lookk like something, so that's what you get. I totally messed with the saturation so you could see the colors better. I'm going to wash all this crap off my face now :)
<3 Til next time (which will not involve wine)