I get up in the morning, oftentimes around 10am and immediately count the hours until I have to be at work. Then I decide when I will shower, which most of the time is around 1 so that any kind of outdoor chores that I may need to do can be done. If there has been no mention of chores by my dad or mom, I go upstairs and get myself a bowl of honey nut cheerios, which I bring back downstairs so I can enjoy them while checking the 9 or 10 websites that I check daily which are QC, SMBC, Khaos comic, Garfield Minus Garfield (y u no update?), The Oatmeal, Poorly Dressed, The Superficial, Regretsy, Gmail, and Facebook. Sometimes I even go on tumblr but I tend to draw a blank when searching.
So right now it's 10:22 and I've been up since 9:41. So far I have checked my e-mail and those other sites, filled out my online time card for my job, checked my bank account and spent a good 15 minutes trying to figure out what one of the payments was, which ended up being my health insurance. I checked blogger to see if anyone had posted anything, which Kelly had so I read her post. So far, I feel like I've accomplished some things but at the same time I wonder why I didn't get out of bed and do something. You see, dear readers (if there are any of you), I am now so accustomed to getting up and going to work/doing chores that I cannot sit still for long. The internet is now officially boring. Yeah, I am disappointed too. I think I might have to go back to 4chan just to keep the spark alive.
Last night after work I went over to The Oasis (local hipster bar in New London) and got to visit with my sister, her husband, and two of her friends. I walked in and sat down next to Amanda and proceeded to get the look over from these two very gay men sitting to my left. They asked Mike who I was, and I was like "uh, hi, I'm megan..." and I shook each of their hands. They shook my hand like their hands were fish. I don't think I have many pet peeves, but a weak hand shake is one of them. So I find out they're visiting New London from California. I didn't get the story of why, but that's besides the point I guess. They decide that Amanda and I are so fashionable they must have a picture of us with them, and it turns into a large group picture with the rest of our compadres. Long story short, they get kicked out for some confusion over a shot and it was probably for the best because they were getting really riled up. It was a monday night and there were maybe 20 people in the bar so they were in the wrong place if they wanted to get too crazy. But as I was visiting with my beloved sibling and her husband, I was told they were coming over today to do some kind of gardening/something. So far they are not here, but it's only 10:29. I'm trying to figure out what I feel like wearing to work and if I want to wear tights. It looks bleak enough outside where I could get away with tights.
I've been battling a very uncomfortable sore throat for the past three days. I mowed the lawn on saturday morning and I am allergic to grass. All those great teen movie scenes where the girls all lie on the grass and talk while looking at the clouds? yeah, I would need a blanket and a bottle of calamine lotion. But I am a good daughter and I mowed the lawn for my parents since I am very good at mowing the lawn. But breathing in all of that grass pollen does a number on my ability to breathe properly so there were a lot of water breaks. My dad tried to convince me to do the sensible thing and wear a respirator but it was so hot I knew I wouldn't be able to breathe either way. I wish I had worn the respirator. Since then, I've had a wicked sore throat that unless I am drinking water/tea/coffee constantly, it only gets worse. Waking up after being asleep for 8 hours is especially painful since I, like all nerds, am a mouth breather. I had an irrational fear that if I breathe only through my nose I will suffocate, so I breathe through my mouth when I sleep. This is great, except I wake up and my sore throat went from being tolerable to feeling like I have the sahara in my esophagus. Needless to say I've been drinking a lot of tea. Smoking doesn't help either, I suppose, so today I'm going to see if not smoking helps it.
This past sunday was mother's day and I played outside in the garden with my parents, amanda, michael and lara. This is probably a little known fact about me, but I really enjoy being dirty. I don't feel like I've accomplished anything outside unless my clothes and hands and feet are filthy. So basically I'm like a small child. But I know how to use those hand held snippers. I got good and dirty on sunday, but am paying for my enthusiasm. The violets invaded my mom's flower garden like it was Poland in 1939, so Amanda, Michael, Midnight and I did a lot of violet extermination. Midnight isn't much of a digger, but she tried (this is my sister's dog...). Anyway, I used my bare hands because at the time it seemed like the thing to do, especially if I was going to accomplish my level of filth goal. I now know how it feels to have carpal tunnel, I think. I didn't realize hands could get sore and stay that way for more than a day. Lesson learned!
This has basically been a stream of consciousness entry in the hopes to fill the empty space that has accumulated. I was wondering to myself "do I have anything to say in my blog if it's not some kind of challenge?" and I guess the answer is "kind of". I'm not going to re-read or edit, but I imagine there's a lot of whining. I was actually voted "class whiner" in the senior year superlatives. Part of me still resents that, since I don't recall ever voting for that superlative...CONSPIRACY THEORY. I'm sure at my 5 year reunion I'll ask. Or just whine even more to show them how much I've grown.