

So much for sticking to a post a day! These last three days have been busy ones which have left me with little time to blog. But today I get to share three very interesting things with you! So that should make up for my three days of fun (and little to no internet).
SO, the prompts are....
Day 26: Favorite books (January 13th)
Day 27: A talent of yours (January 14th)
Day 28: Favorite Places to shop(January 15th)

Most of the people who read this can probably guess most of my favorite books. I'll give you a second to think of some.

Ready to compare notes?
Favorite Book number one is a series, as you can all guess. Some people would probably say that I should grow up and have favorite books that I didn't read when I was 11. But those people can shove it. The Harry Potter series was something I grew up with and love and wish was real every time I read it. *sigh* If I was stuck on a desert island and only had one series to bring with me I'd probably choose something that would guarantee my survival, because I could probably just replay all the harry potter books in my head :3 (surprised you with that, didn't i? If you can't tell I'm trying to be funny).

Anyway, another favorite book is The Magicians by Lev Grossman. If you haven't read it, you need to. It's like grown up Harry Potter. Apparently there's going to be more books, but at the moment it's just the one. The main character's name is Quentin, and he is good at math, magic tricks and pining after a girl his friend is dating. He also loves a children's book series about a land called Fillory. Then one day he and the girl he liked get taken to sit for a test, Quentin is admitted to Brakebills Academy where he is taught magic. One day in a lecture hall he decides to play a joke on his professor and change the spell the professor is doing, and ends up pausing time and summoning a monster, a man in a grey suit with an oak leaf covering his face who ends up eating one of Quentin's fellow students. Quentin makes friends with a few of his fellow students who hang out in a dilapidated clubhouse, drinking and smoking and playing pool instead of giving a shit about school. This all sounds boring, but eventually Quentin finds out Fillory is real and the story of the children in those books is also real, and he decides to find Martin, the character who went missing. Okay, I'm not doing this book justice. If you like Harry Potter or Narnia (or both) then you will really like this. Quentin is me, because he wants to be part of the Fillory series like I want to be part of the Harry Potter series. But he actually gets to go there. He learns, though, that the books he loved weren't all happy and perfect. I don't think I could take the disappointment if the characters I loved weren't....themselves. SO, yes, you should read this. It's about 400ish pages of awesomeness. There's this whole coming of age tale involved in this story as well, as Quentin traverses the murky waters of being in love and such. Seriously, just read it.

My third favorite book is The Giver. No matter how many times I've read it, it always touches me. The way I imagine things in my head is probably partly why I love this book so much, because the reader is given so much material to work with for imagining this world. Plus the story of escape and discovery is beautiful~ Most of you have probably read it. If not, read it. I won't spoil it for you :)

Those are my top three, but I also really like the Sookie Stackhouse Southern Vampire Series (as you know) and everything I've read by Jane Austen, and Lamb, and the Time Travelers Wife, and he Vampire Chronicles, and the Color Purple. Not the most admirable or scholastic reading list, but all the books I've mentioned were enjoyable and well written, so at least there's that. I won't bother ranting about twilight again. I'll save that for a later date.

Moving on to the next prompt in which I am supposed to tell you about a talent that I have...
I can't think of anything. I'm good at ranting in capslock in my head about twilight. I'm also good at using "SO" as a transition. I'm an olympic athlete in the sleeping division. I guess if showering quickly was a talent then I'd be talented at that. Alright, time to google "talent"...

1. natural ability: an unusual natural ability to do something well, especially in artistic areas that can be developed by training

2. somebody with exceptional ability: a person or people with an exceptional ability

That's what google gives me. I'm not sure I have an unusual natural ability to do something well. I don't pick things up any faster than most people (although my family would say that I'm especially gifted with computers, but they don't know my actually computer savvy friends). I think my talent is in being average and able to admit that :) (this is me trying to make myself feel better about not being particularly good at something)

Oh, I can read at a good pace and maintain interest in a book long enough to finish it in a short period of time. I guess that's a talent, since some people don't like to read because they can't keep themselves interested in it. yep.

So the last post is supposed to be about favorite places to shop. I do most of my shopping online ._. so this will be a mix of links to stores online and a few actual stores I like going to.

1) ULTA. I only recently got into makeup (like a year ago) and this site is one of the reasons I can't fit anything in my bathroom shelf anymore. The beauty here is they offer a wide range of products in all different price ranges so that for people who want to try gel eyeliner can get a cheap pot to try out before committing to the pricey (and obviously nicer quality) brands. With the exception of one item, everything I've gotten from ULTA has been awesome. Dina got me a 73 piece train case for christmas and it's ULTA brand makeup items, which you would be weary of. but the eyeshadows last a really long time, the pigment is wonderful and the eyeliner goes on super smooth. Aaanyway, this site is awesome.

2) Etsy. I'm sure most of the people who read this have heard of etsy. It's a great site for selling handmade everything (although there are some people who just sell stuff they've bought and try and pass it off as handmade...) I've gotten some cool jewelry for myself, and a lot of cool christmas/birthday presents from etsy. If you search for something, it's likely you'll find it :)

Okay, so I really don't shop too often anymore, but these two places are the ones I frequent most often. ._. and goodwill, because that place is the shit.

There you have it, 3 prompts, one long and kind of sad post. Maybe at the end of this I'll analyze everything and come to a conclusion about myself. Wouldn't that be fun?
Til Tomorrow <3

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