

College is over, which means that I need to fill my days with something interesting. Meaningful things would be better, but if I did something meaningful every day I'd probably get pretty tired after a week. When I say meaningful I mean doing things like solving world hunger (tell no one).

Extra bonus cool points if you get the (tell no one) reference.

So here I am, fresh out of UConn, waiting by the mailbox for my diploma and a fellow UConn student is doing this as well. I stole it from her. She also stole it from one of her friends. Gotta love the internet :)

So, for day one of the 50 day project is to introduce yourself.

Hi, my name's Megan. I'm pretty sure if you're reading this you know my name since we know each other some way or another and I gave you the link to this blog. I already mentioned that I graduated college, but if you don't know I got a BA in History. That means I can do any number of things, most of which require graduate school. So i guess that tells you what my plan for the relatively soon future is!

Other exciting things about me are that I have three sisters and a brother (in-law, but i feel like that makes it seem like we don't like each other. which is not true). But anywho, I have Amanda, Dina, Lara, and Michael. They're all super awesome for numerous reasons. I'm sure I'll gush about them more later. I also have a mom and a dad, Shelly and Bill. They're also awesome. I have been gifted by whatever power that controls stuff (or not) with an awesome nuclear family :)

I have fish for pets. Phineas is my goldfish. he started out grey and is now a gold/orange color. I have no idea if that's normal or not. He also has about 7 other names, but Phineas is the only one i remember anymore. Then I have 4 neon tetras (google it) named Mildred, Reginald, Boris and Svetlana. I also have a cori fish named Dr. Horrible (yes, after THE Dr. Horrible) and two shrimp whose names I have forgotten but I think were Gred and Forge.

I like to read, which means that I'm literate. Yay! I'm drawing a blank for what to really talk about. When I introduce myself to someone new we exchange pleasantries, maybe banter about what we do and then the conversation goes from there.

So how about this, if you read this and want to know something about me that you think would come up in conversation, comment with your question and I'll answer!

<3 day one down, 49 to go!

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